
1:1 nutrition counseling

This is for you if you:

  • Are trying to finally get off the diet roller coaster and want to stop counting and tracking all of your food

  • Are wondering about intuitive eating but don’t know where to start

  • Struggle with disordered eating habits and thoughts

  • Are healing from an diagnosed eating disorder 

  • Want to work on finding peace with food and body

  • Are confused with all the nutrition information out there

  • Get stuck in all or nothing, black and white thinking

Please note this is not weight-loss centered care. We don’t count calories, macros, or use any other diet culture tools. Together, we will create highly individualized plans that focus on non-scale goals such as breaking the binge-restrict cycle, finding your hunger and fullness cues, feeling safe around all foods, and rediscovering joy in movement.

3 months to nourish your gut

This is for you if:

  • Digestive issues are your main concern

  • You struggle with constipation, diarrhea, severe bloating, reflux, painful gas, all the above and/or more

  • You feel like you’ve tried everything and nothing works

  • You’re stressed about what to eat all the time

  • Are tired of eliminating a bunch of different foods

We will utilize The GI-MAP (GI-Microbial Assay Plus) stool test, which uses Quantitative PCR technology to provide a true DNA/PCR based stool analysis The test can detect bacterial pathogens, parasites, viruses, opportunistic and beneficial bacteria, inflammatory markers, autoimmune triggers, digestive enzymes, immune function, and more. Together we will identify and address the underlying root cause of your symptoms and create an individualized protocol while utilizing non-diet and intuitive eating principles.

not sure what you need?

I hear you! Nutrition is SO individual.

Those diets that seem so one-size-fits-all? Yeah, those don’t work. No diet does, and that’s the truth.

So, feeling like you need a little more information? Not sure what exactly you’re looking for? Let’s take 15 minutes to chat more about your health concerns, medical and nutrition history, and see if we’re a good fit, and figure out a plan of action that best suits your unique needs.